Blossom Trails
Sd Cross Walk
Flower at Tea Ceremony
C+B_Oldie Car

My Gear List

Photographers often ask me what I bring to an event

Equipment List:
5d Mark III+Grip  and 40D+BGE-2N Grip
18-55mm f3.5
35mm f1.4 Sigma Art
50mm f1.8 (Sold)
50mm 1.4
24-70mm f2.8 L – The Brick Wedding Bring A long
85mm f1.8 Traded
70-200mm L 2.8f Is II
100mm Macro f2.8 IS
135mm Sold
2×580 EXII with external batterypack
2xYoungnou Speedlight
Lots of light stands
2-Alien Bee 800 + Softboxes +Octobox
Few Umbrellas
Vagabond II *Sold*
Vagabond Mini
Manafrotto Monopod + Ballhead
Manofrotto Trippod + Trigger Style Ballhead
Gorilla Pod
2 Capture System